Saturday, September 21, 2013


She started calling mom, mama too. Maybe since evryone in the house does. 

I never knew the difference, thought it was because of the post operation done when the medic world could get her feces out eventually. Thought she was so relieved from once having a hard time pooping that got her now so cheery.

She likes the attention of showing how accomplished she is at grasping her own fingers together and hold them both up. Or seeing that everyone cracked up so wildly finding out she was groning in pain at nothing when paman abdi,mthe very so skillful traditional massager, was actually pretending and in fact did not touch her at all.

Its true. Shes starting to lose some memories and beginning to act as a child.

Some people regard it as a misfortune. I see it is easier now to please her. She doesnt think unnecesarry thoughts as much. The life and stuff she left behind. Her life became so simple that all she cares about is going along with the daily routines and give best effort in curing herself.

By this rate she might not remember her other son at all soon enough. The black pawn of the family. One who once she sacrificed her life and every penny for, the well-being and wealth of some other long distance families that i never met (result of my grandad's polygamy act), and dragged mine too almost into separation because of him screwing around with debt collectors, police force and illegal associates for as long as he lived.

We dont know where he's at. And wont even try to find out as long as grandma never asked for him. 

The question is, will she ever?