Saturday, February 16, 2013

Awaiting the outcome.

Another year almost passed and here we are blown off to what we call routines and dwelve into new hobbies with new people.

 How issit we measure the value of it all? 
 How much we changed?how many knows us?how deep we learned?How rich our experiences?

 . . . 

 None of it really matters when were in the moment. When we dont feel like loosing anything. Beacuse we knew it wasnt ours in the first place. 

 Next week, our capeg results should be out. Ya allah, grants us semuanya kelulusan buat satu angkatan BK 44. Mdhn hasilnya jg ga mengecewakan. At least confirming our good feelings on the test we did last saturday. Mnt doanya ya. Amin.