Sometimes he plays with his toys car right after bed. Sometimes I let him watch cartoons while I cook an always awesome dish I found on the net. Feeling satisfied whenever I could use up the ingredients I have stocked up in the fridge and cupboards. Then we head out, most times stop by the library to pick up his free lunch (Fuel up 4 Summer Program) man what a great program it is. He is eating and learning a lot while watching other kids.
He gets to nurse anytime, anywhere with me during this break. Nursing at daytime is probably his best bliss yet. lol. After he woke up, he is usually joined by his dad who eats beside him while he plays. Sometimes we go out jalan-jalan sore. Grocery shopping. Getting a pizza. Park. Pool. Farmers Market. Movie. This feels so right. I cant imagine doing this in my old life (7am-7pm)
Our boy is one most lovable, cute, such a happy eater (a fusion of my taste and his dad's!) smart, funny, considerate.. (im brought to tears now..) and the list goes on. My inspiration, prayers and hope are all with him. Still, the fall semester is approaching. Can we get any better than this ? I believe so. He will make this easy for me. InsyaAllah.
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